Tent Review - Welcome
by Joe "Woods Goods and Stuff"
Tent Review - Welcome
When wanting a Tent Review, almost any tent camper can tell you of a time they were glad they had the refuge of their tent. They can also tell you of a time they cursed it. While tents have their advantages over tarps and over sleeping under the stars, many have drawbacks, and as always, it comes down to personal preference—how much discomfort you're willing to withstand on a camping trip.
Strictly speaking, a large piece of plastic and some rope is all it takes. When asked what type of shelter he prefers, the camper will give you a range of answers. From tarps to roomy dome tents (obviously recreational vehicles do not come into play here!), campers will tell you that their tarp or tent has proven adequate.
Tents, which can range anywhere from $10 to $1,000 in price, are the most practical alternative for staying dry on a rainy night. Tents keep out the rain and bugs; they are warm on cold nights because your body temperature helps warm the tent (sometimes by as much as ten degrees), and the tent itself dulls the force of the wind. When it is cold, wet or buggy, tents are invaluable.
Tent Review - Welcomeby Joe "Woods Goods and Stuff"
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